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"The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” Oscar Wilde
Everyday Volunteer Needs - We'd love your help!
Cafeteria Help!
Listed below are ways we need extra help daily in the lunch room. Come in anytime between 10:30 & 12:30 to help our kids.
Please make sure you are an approved NEISD volunteer HERE.
Thank you for your support of Roan Forest PTA and Roan Forest Elementary School!
For more information, please contact our 3rd VP of Volunteers, Emily Mayes.
Immediate Volunteer Needs
No matter how big or small, how much time or how little time you think you have....Roan Forest Elementary and the RFPTA is always seeking volunteers to assist in many areas! Whether you are one to have time to be up at school, or you are at home...your availability is surely appreciated no matter what your area of expertise is. We are always seeking volunteers to help decorate many areas, help cut, copy, or even staple at times. We seek out room parents to help out with many things to help aid our staff, at school events we seek out volunteers to help monitor the parking lot to help with ease of traffic flow for the safety of our children, we seek out those who can help post things up on display on the walls of our beautiful school with the amazing creations done by our very own students! There are times when the stage has to be decorated, the staff lounge has to be decorated, the gym might be need some decorations....The opportunities are endless!
So, if you have some extra time, free hands and are willing to lend them, please ensure your background is up to date, and simply email our VP of Volunteers to see where you might be needed this week as we are always looking for YOU!
ALL Volunteers must be DPS CLEARED HERE!
So, if you have some extra time, free hands and are willing to lend them, please ensure your background is up to date, and simply email our VP of Volunteers to see where you might be needed this week as we are always looking for YOU!
ALL Volunteers must be DPS CLEARED HERE!
“The greatest gift you can give a child, is your time.”
Volunteering in our local schools provides our students with adult role models, an enriched learning environment, and bridges the gap between home and school. NEISD has been able to provide top notch quality education because of the countless hours our parent volunteers have contributed to the local schools. Join us today and make a difference!
Volunteering in our local schools provides our students with adult role models, an enriched learning environment, and bridges the gap between home and school. NEISD has been able to provide top notch quality education because of the countless hours our parent volunteers have contributed to the local schools. Join us today and make a difference!